浙大学术期刊高水平英文新刊Blockchain: Research and Applications(《区块链研究与应用》,ISSN 2096-7209,CN 33-1414/TP,季刊)于2020年正式创刊,首期将于2020年9月上线。期刊旨在发布国际区块链科学领域的最新研究成果,打造区块链学科国际学术交流平台,推动区块链学科的交叉融合,引领未来信用社会和价值互联网的发展方向。现诚挚地邀请相关领域的专家学者踊跃投稿!
Blockchain: Research and Applications is an international, peer reviewed journal for researchers, engineers, andpractitioners to present the latest advances and innovations in blockchain research. The editor-in-chief is Chun Chen, professor of Zhejiang University, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering; and the co-editor-in-chief is Chunming RONG, professor of University of Stavanger, IEEE senior member and member of the Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences.The journal will be published by Zhejiang University Press and Elsevier, and its first volume will be published on September 2020.The journal publishestheoretical and applied papers in established and emerging areas of blockchain research to shape the future ofblockchain technology.
The scope of this journal is 1) the theory and technology of blockchain, including cryptography, distributed network, consensus, database, smart contract, etc. 2) the applications of blockchain, such as the solution and ecosystem of blockchain, supervision for blockchain, etc. 3) the research and applications of blockchain in other domains, such as society, industry, commerce and government, etc.
Welcome to submit your paper to the journal! If you have any questions, please contact: Chengcheng Gong (cc_gong@zju.edu.cn), Lingfeng Bao (lingfengbao@zju.edu.cn)